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LPT: For people starting a new job. If a task typically takes someone ~3.5 hours and you can get it done in 1 hour, don't turn your task in right away - wait about an hour. If your manager(s) discover how productive you really are, they will quickly overw
LPT: For people starting a new job. If a task typically takes someone ~3.5 hours and you can get it done in 1 hour, don't turn your task in right away - wait about an hour. If your manager(s) discover how productive you really are, they will quickly overw
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TG4TV on Twitter
TG4TV on Twitter
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TG4TV on Twitter (click to see stats)

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“Torthaí as Gaeilge: ????piorra ????cíobhaí ????péitseog ????banana ????fíonchaor ????cnó cócó ????úll ????sú talún ????silín ????aibreog ????líomóid???? ????Harry Styles ????anann ????oráiste ???? fraochán gorm” [ ]
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Googleが語るChromebookが優れる10のポイント (click to see stats)

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Googleは30日、Chromebookに関するオンライン説明会を実施。Google Chrome OS プロダクト マネージメント統括のJohn Maletis氏が登壇し、Chromebookの現在の状況や、Chromebookを導入するメリットなどを説明した。 [ ]
LPT: Bring a bag of snacks from your home country when travelling. It's a nice way to thank people for their help if you get lost, make a friend, have a great host etc.
LPT: Bring a bag of snacks from your home country when travelling. It's a nice way to thank people for their help if you get lost, make a friend, have a great host etc.
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LPT: Bring a bag of snacks from your home country when travelling. It's a nice way to thank people for their help if you get lost, make a friend, have a great host etc. (click to see stats)

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Posted in r/LifeProTips by u/f_i_n_a_l_e • 6 points and 1 comment [ ]
LPT: You can pull a Free Credit Report Weekly from Equifax, Experian, & TransUnion through April 2021. This is usually only free 1x per year
LPT: You can pull a Free Credit Report Weekly from Equifax, Experian, & TransUnion through April 2021. This is usually only free 1x per year
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LPT: You can pull a Free Credit Report Weekly from Equifax, Experian, & TransUnion through April 2021. This is usually only free 1x per year (click to see stats)

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LPT: use a filter behind your box fan to reduce dust buildup, especially if you like to leave your fan on more often than not!
LPT: use a filter behind your box fan to reduce dust buildup, especially if you like to leave your fan on more often than not!
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LPT: use a filter behind your box fan to reduce dust buildup, especially if you like to leave your fan on more often than not! (click to see stats)

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I forget where I read this but it has been life-changing for me. I like to sleep with my fan on, plus I like to leave it on all day because it... [ ]
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【画悲報】なんとここに来て、「レジ袋有料化」→「店の買い物カゴを持ち帰っても許される」という謎の風潮が蔓延してしまう・・・ (click to see stats)

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あわせて読みたい Web会議にもコツがある。10万回以上の経験者が語った実はシンプルな極意みんな「テントも貼ったし次は枝木拾って火付けようぜ!」ワイ「丸ノコ持ってきたぞ!」バウゥゥン【バイアス】『MBA 心理戦術101 なぜ「できる人」の [ ]
LPT: Go to your bank account online and automate for your account statement to be sent to your email address every quarter, month, year or so. It will really help you while filling returns, or in another situation where bank statements are required.
LPT: Go to your bank account online and automate for your account statement to be sent to your email address every quarter, month, year or so. It will really help you while filling returns, or in another situation where bank statements are required.
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LPT: Go to your bank account online and automate for your account statement to be sent to your email address every quarter, month, year or so. It will really help you while filling returns, or in another situation where bank statements are required. (click to see stats)

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For instance, I am supposed to file my return soon and my bank does not provide account statements for periods prior to April 1, 2019, online.... [ ]
LPT: When doing a task you don’t want to do (folding laundry, putting away dishes) turn on your timer on your phone and an upbeat song and see how fast you can do it, turn it into a fun game
LPT: When doing a task you don’t want to do (folding laundry, putting away dishes) turn on your timer on your phone and an upbeat song and see how fast you can do it, turn it into a fun game
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LPT: When doing a task you don’t want to do (folding laundry, putting away dishes) turn on your timer on your phone and an upbeat song and see how fast you can do it, turn it into a fun game (click to see stats)

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Posted in r/LifeProTips by u/hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie • 4 points and 2 comments [ ]
LPT: Greyscale mode can help you to reduce excessive smartphone use. A study found that participants who had their phones in grayscale reduced their screen time by an average of 37.90 min each day.
LPT: Greyscale mode can help you to reduce excessive smartphone use. A study found that participants who had their phones in grayscale reduced their screen time by an average of 37.90 min each day.
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LPT: Greyscale mode can help you to reduce excessive smartphone use. A study found that participants who had their phones in grayscale reduced their screen time by an average of 37.90 min each day. (click to see stats)

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Posted in r/LifeProTips by u/huyuyuyuyuyu • 2 points and 2 comments [ ]
LPT: If so happen you accidentally called 911, don't hang up immediately because they might suspect you're in a bad situation (e.g. kidnapped or etc) and they know your location and might send out a squad on your place. Just apologize and things will sort
LPT: If so happen you accidentally called 911, don't hang up immediately because they might suspect you're in a bad situation (e.g. kidnapped or etc) and they know your location and might send out a squad on your place. Just apologize and things will sort
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LPT: Whenever you get up to leave from a place, make it a habit to turn around and check to see if you've left anything behind. This way you'll almost never forget your stuff anywhere.
LPT: Whenever you get up to leave from a place, make it a habit to turn around and check to see if you've left anything behind. This way you'll almost never forget your stuff anywhere.
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LPT: Whenever you get up to leave from a place, make it a habit to turn around and check to see if you've left anything behind. This way you'll almost never forget your stuff anywhere. (click to see stats)

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Posted in r/LifeProTips by u/reversesupernova • 5 points and 8 comments [ ]